How do i deactivate my voicemail on my iphone

Are you tired of receiving voicemail notifications that interrupt your day? If you're an iPhone user, you're in luck. Deactivating voicemail on your iPhone is a quick and easy process that can be completed in just a few steps. Whether you want to silence incoming voicemail messages or completely disable the voicemail feature, this article will guide you through the process, providing clear instructions and helpful tips to ensure a seamless experience.
- Disable Voicemail on Your iPhone
- Why can't I get rid of a voicemail on my iPhone?
- How do I make my voicemail go away?
- How do I turn off voicemail alerts on my iPhone?
- Frequent questions
- How do I deactivate my voicemail on my iPhone?
- What happens if I disable Visual Voicemail?
- How can I delete my voicemail?
- Can I forward my voicemail to another number?
- How do I deactivate my voicemail on my iPhone?
- What happens if I disable Visual Voicemail?
- How can I delete my voicemail?
- Can I forward my voicemail to another number?
Disable Voicemail on Your iPhone
Turn Off Visual Voicemail
You can disable Visual Voicemail on your iPhone, which will prevent new messages from being transcribed and displayed in the Phone app. To do this:
1. Open the Phone app on your iPhone.
2. Tap on the Voicemail tab.
3. Tap on the "i" icon next to your voicemail number.
4. Toggle off the switch for "Visual Voicemail".
Here's a table summarizing the steps:
Step | Action |
1 | Open the Phone app. |
2 | Tap on the Voicemail tab. |
3 | Tap on the "i" icon next to your voicemail number. |
4 | Toggle off the switch for "Visual Voicemail". |
Disable Voicemail Completely
While you cannot completely deactivate voicemail from your iPhone, you can redirect calls to voicemail to a different number or disable voicemail notifications.
To redirect calls to voicemail to a different number:
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1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
2. Tap on Phone.
3. Tap on "Forward to Voicemail".
4. Enter the desired phone number.
Here's a table summarizing the steps:
Step | Action |
1 | Open the Settings app. |
2 | Tap on Phone. |
3 | Tap on "Forward to Voicemail". |
4 | Enter the desired phone number. |
Disable Voicemail Notifications
You can prevent voicemail notifications from appearing on your iPhone by disabling them in the Settings app:
1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
2. Tap on Notifications.
3. Tap on Phone.
4. Toggle off the switch for "Show Previews".
Here's a table summarizing the steps:
Step | Action |
1 | Open the Settings app. |
2 | Tap on Notifications. |
3 | Tap on Phone. |
4 | Toggle off the switch for "Show Previews". |
Why can't I get rid of a voicemail on my iPhone?

The Voicemail is Still in the "New" Folder
One reason you might be unable to delete a voicemail is that it's still residing in the "New" folder. New voicemails are automatically saved in this folder until you listen to them. After listening, the voicemail will be moved to the "Saved" folder, allowing you to delete it. To delete a voicemail from the "New" folder, simply listen to it and it will automatically move to the "Saved" folder.
The Voicemail is Protected by a Feature
Apple has features like "Visual Voicemail" and "Keep for 30 Days" that might be preventing you from deleting a voicemail.
- Visual Voicemail transcribes voicemails and displays them in a text format. This feature can be disabled in your iPhone settings, giving you the option to delete the voicemail directly from the app.
- Keep for 30 Days automatically saves your voicemails for 30 days, even if you have not listened to them. You can adjust this setting in the Voicemail settings, and you can choose to "Keep for 1 day" or "Keep for 30 days."
Your iPhone Might Be Experiencing a Bug
If you've tried the above steps and are still unable to delete a voicemail, then your iPhone might be experiencing a bug. Try restarting your phone, and if the problem persists, you might need to contact Apple Support for assistance.
How do I make my voicemail go away?
Deleting Voicemails
Deleting voicemails varies depending on your phone and carrier. However, most phones allow you to delete voicemails directly from the voicemail app. Here's how to delete voicemails on most Android and iOS phones:
- Open the Voicemail app. This is usually located on your phone's home screen or in the app drawer.
- Select the voicemail you want to delete.
- Tap the "Delete" button. This button may be located in the bottom right corner of the screen or next to the voicemail.
Turning Off Voicemail
If you don't want to receive voicemails at all, you can turn off voicemail on your phone. This will prevent any messages from being stored. Here's how to do it on most Android and iOS phones:
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- Open the Phone app. This is usually located on your phone's home screen or in the app drawer.
- Tap the "More" button. This is usually located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Select "Settings".
- Tap "Voicemail".
- Toggle the "Voicemail" switch to the off position.
Setting Up Visual Voicemail
Visual voicemail allows you to see a list of your voicemail messages without having to listen to them. It also allows you to delete messages without listening to them. Most carriers offer visual voicemail as a free service. Here's how to set it up on most Android and iOS phones:
- Open the Phone app. This is usually located on your phone's home screen or in the app drawer.
- Tap the "More" button. This is usually located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Select "Settings".
- Tap "Voicemail".
- Select "Visual Voicemail".
- Follow the on-screen instructions to set up visual voicemail. This usually involves entering your phone number and voicemail PIN.
How do I turn off voicemail alerts on my iPhone?
Turning off Voicemail Alerts from the Phone App
This method lets you turn off all voicemail alerts for the phone app. Here’s how:
- Open the Phone app.
- Tap the Voicemail tab.
- Tap the Edit button in the top right corner.
- Turn off the toggle switch next to “Show Voicemail Alerts”.
Turning off Voicemail Alerts from the Settings App
You can customize your notifications to have more control over voicemail alerts. Follow these steps:
- Open the Settings app.
- Tap Notifications.
- Scroll down and select Phone.
- Turn off the toggle switch next to “Show Previews”.
- You can also customize how you want to receive voicemail alerts by tapping “Sounds” and selecting your preferred sound.
Turning off Voicemail Alerts for a Specific Contact
You can turn off voicemail alerts for specific contacts. This is useful if you don’t want to receive notifications from a particular person.
- Open the Contacts app.
- Select the contact you want to edit.
- Tap the Edit button in the top right corner.
- Scroll down and tap “Ringtone & Alerts”.
- Select “None” for the “Voicemail” alert.
Frequent questions
How do I deactivate my voicemail on my iPhone?
You can't completely deactivate your voicemail on your iPhone. Instead, you can disable voicemail notifications and prevent your iPhone from automatically sending voicemails to your voicemail. To disable voicemail notifications, open the Settings app, tap on Phone, and then toggle off the Show voicemail notifications switch. To prevent your iPhone from automatically sending voicemails to your voicemail, open the Phone app, tap on Voicemail, and then toggle off the Visual Voicemail switch.
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What happens if I disable Visual Voicemail?
If you disable Visual Voicemail, your iPhone will no longer automatically send voicemails to your voicemail. Instead, when someone leaves you a voicemail, they'll hear a message that says your voicemail is full or that you can't receive messages. If you have an iPhone 6s or newer, you can also set your iPhone to send voicemails to a different email address instead of your voicemail.
How can I delete my voicemail?
To delete a voicemail, open the Phone app, tap on Voicemail, and then tap on the voicemail you want to delete. Next, tap on the Delete icon, which looks like a trash can. You can also delete multiple voicemails at once by selecting the Edit button and then tapping on the red circle next to the voicemails you want to delete.
Can I forward my voicemail to another number?
You can't forward your voicemail to another number directly from your iPhone. However, you can forward your voicemail to another number by using a third-party app. There are many different third-party voicemail forwarding apps available in the App Store. You can search for "voicemail forwarding" in the App Store to find a suitable app.
How do I deactivate my voicemail on my iPhone?
You can't completely deactivate your voicemail on your iPhone. Instead, you can disable voicemail notifications and prevent your iPhone from automatically sending voicemails to your voicemail. To disable voicemail notifications, open the Settings app, tap on Phone, and then toggle off the Show voicemail notifications switch. To prevent your iPhone from automatically sending voicemails to your voicemail, open the Phone app, tap on Voicemail, and then toggle off the Visual Voicemail switch.
What happens if I disable Visual Voicemail?
If you disable Visual Voicemail, your iPhone will no longer automatically send voicemails to your voicemail. Instead, when someone leaves you a voicemail, they'll hear a message that says your voicemail is full or that you can't receive messages. If you have an iPhone 6s or newer, you can also set your iPhone to send voicemails to a different email address instead of your voicemail.
How can I delete my voicemail?
To delete a voicemail, open the Phone app, tap on Voicemail, and then tap on the voicemail you want to delete. Next, tap on the Delete icon, which looks like a trash can. You can also delete multiple voicemails at once by selecting the Edit button and then tapping on the red circle next to the voicemails you want to delete.
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Can I forward my voicemail to another number?
You can't forward your voicemail to another number directly from your iPhone. However, you can forward your voicemail to another number by using a third-party app. There are many different third-party voicemail forwarding apps available in the App Store. You can search for "voicemail forwarding" in the App Store to find a suitable app.
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